Barr Hill Sustainability — Protecting the Whole Hive
At Barr Hill, we’re not just distillers of award-winning spirits, we’re stewards of the land, friends with farmers and protectors of pollinators. Barr Hill began as an agricultural initiative between a beekeeper and a distiller, and to us, conservation means doing things for nature’s sake. Every time you raise a glass of Barr Hill, you support the working landscape and the delicate web of life that links agriculture to cocktail culture.

Good BEE-haviors
We don’t talk the talk, we walk the waggle… by creating more foraging space for bees and other pollinators. When you visit our distillery, you will discover an on-site pollinator garden made in partnership with our friends at Bee the Change showcasing bees’ favorite blossoms and a pollinator-friendly lawn. Learn more about the importance of pollinator gardens and meadowscaping here!
We responsibly designed our distillery from the ground up with sustainability and conservation in mind at every step. The site of our home on Gin Lane is built on a brownfield site we worked to restore before breaking ground. 100% percent of our electrical energy is carbon neutral, and 78% comes from renewable resources. 100% of our stillage goes to a local biodigester which helps power our town. A state of the art heat reclamation system repurposes heat from our distilling process to power radiant flooring in our patio. And our packaging uses up to 30% recycled glass; the maximum post-consumer content allowed in the industry.

We’re proud to be at the forefront of the spirits industry, leading a shift to mindfulness in distilling, pioneering innovative advances in heat reclamation, wastewater reduction and green energy, and sourcing the highest quality raw ingredients from responsible farms. Its our mission to reconnect cocktail culture to agriculture. We strive to Raise our Barr everyday, and are constantly looking for new ways to improve our impact in the spirits industry and in our community.